Dear friends, It is with great joy and pride that we announce the official opening of the advanced medical portal, which promises to make a real revolution in the field of healthcare. This unique web resource, created under the leadership of Professor Khitaryan, is designed to provide patients with an unprecedented level of access to high-quality medical services and expert advice.

Professor Khitaryan, whose innovative research and extensive clinical experience have earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues, managed to unite under his leadership a truly stellar team of highly qualified specialists, representing various fields of medicine. Thanks to this multidisciplinary team of talented doctors, our website provides comprehensive information about the widest range of medical services in the form educational articles, covering all aspects of health – from preventive measures and early diagnosis to the most modern treatment methods and effective rehabilitation programs.

Our main mission – make high-quality medical care as accessible as possible, convenient and personalized for each patient, regardless of its location or schedule. To achieve this ambitious goal, we have introduced a number of innovative online services, which make it easy and quick to make an appointment with the right specialist, receive qualified consultation remotely and take advantage of individual recommendations, taking into account the unique characteristics and needs of each individual patient.

By joining our ever-growing community, you will become part of an elite group of patients, who value reliability, professionalism and individual approach to health matters above all else. Having entrusted the care of your well-being and well-being to the experienced experts of the medical portal phag-rostov under the sensitive and attentive guidance of Professor Khitaryan, you can be absolutely sure, that you will receive full support, understanding and assistance at every stage of your journey to good health, longevity and improved quality of life.

Discover truly limitless possibilities, that modern medicine offers, thanks to the innovative and progressive website Don't put off visiting your doctor until later, because your health – this is a priceless gift, requiring constant care and attention. Just go to our portal, choose the specialist you need and make an appointment online at a time convenient for you. Take that decisive step towards a healthy and happy future today! Remember, that your well-being is our top priority, and we will do our best, not only to justify your trust, but also exceed your wildest expectations.

Join us now and experience a truly revolutionary approach to healthcare, which is offered by the phag-rostov portal under the wise and far-sighted leadership of the outstanding Professor Khitaryan. Together we will usher in a new era in healthcare, where is the innovation, professionalism, compassion and care for each individual patient comes first. Trust us, and we will help you discover the secrets of longevity, vital energy and harmony of body and spirit. Welcome to the future of medicine with us!

Go to the new directory of medical articles here and find answers to all your “why” questions –


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