door grille is a specialized floor covering, made from pressed grating. Door grilles are installed at the entrance to shopping and entertainment centers, administrative and office buildings, social facilities and residential buildings.

Installation of door grilles carried out in the pit, as the first step of cleaning from dirt, snow, sand and other contaminants. Hot-dip galvanizing as an anti-corrosion protection reliably preserves door grilles from aggressive environments.

Plant of Steel Structures "PROMNASTIL" manufactures all sizes door grilles pressed grating. Always in stock door grilles of dirt protection of the following standard sizes:
1) 33x11/30x2/1000x1000 – 8 000,00 rubles with VAT 20%
2) 33x11/30x2/500x1000 – 4 100,00 rubles with VAT 20%
Additional discount when ordering from 100 PC.
We will produce gratings of other standard sizes in the shortest possible time.
Delivery to all regions of the Russian Federation by any transport company convenient for you.