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The ТU 5262-001-12139743-2013 standard requirements are applicable to the PROMNASTIL steel grating manufactured by cold-forming or welding.
Technical specifications set the technical requirements for the products manufactured from gratings, as well as the methods of compliance assurance, acceptance procedures, and the regulations regarding transportation and storage of grating products.
The technical specifications 5262-001-12139743-2013 (TU) are based on the following regulations:
- TU 36-2370-82 Welded bar grating (SP, or the All-Soviet Welding Instutute type)
- DIN 24537 Gitterroste
- DIN 24531 Trittstufen aus Gitterrost
– RAL -GZ 638-2005 Gitterroste
Promnastil’s Technical specifications are identical to the following regulations developed in the Russian Federation:
TU 5262-001-93757807-2008 for the bar grating;
STO 23083253-003-2008 for the press locked grating, type P;
STO 23083253-002-2008 for the welded grating, type SP;
TU 5262-001-54217902-2007 for the press locked bar grating;
TU 5262-001-81167288-2009 for the welded grating;
TU 5262-001-39439628-2006 for the welded grating (SP) and press locked grating (P).


Flooring (steel, lattice, pressed) used at metallurgical enterprises, chemical, shipbuilding, Oil and Gas, automotive industry, on industrial plants in mechanical engineering, power, when developing deposits minerals in the arrangement and construction ...

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